Common Misconceptions about Senior Living Advisors…..


  1. Senior Living Advisors will only show you the homes that pay them a commission

  2. All Senior Living Advisors are the exact same

  3. Senior Living Advisors will only show you the more costly homes because they get paid more for those

  4. Senior Living Advisors don’t do any work and they are just a “middle-man".


  1. We at Happy Heart look at all available options that would be best for you and your loved ones regardless of the commission or no commission structure

  2. We at Happy Heart pride ourselves on our family and care based approach. We treat each client as if they were one of our family members. We go the extra mile as well in regards to research in taking a hand holding and guidance approach. This is what sets us apart from the larger more transactional Living Advisor companies

  3. As noted above we pride ourselves in being ethical and our main focus is getting you or your loved one into the best living situation based on your care needs. We here at Happy Heart do not have any hand shake relationships with specific facilities. Our recommendations are based on our in depth research and solely focused on you or your loved ones asks and needs in regard to a home

  4. At Happy Heart this is not true as we do very in depth research on homes before any recommendations are made. We take hours to understand each families needs and then extensively research homes that would best fit those needs. We answer questions, offer support and even help families with touring specific facilities.